Trello Vs Asana

September 15, 2021

Trello vs Asana: A Battle of the Titans

Project management software is essential for businesses. But choosing the right one can be a daunting task as there are several options available in the market. No software is perfect, and what works for one team may not work for another. Trello and Asana are two of the most popular project management software. But which one should you choose? Let's dive into the details and compare both the software.

User Interface

Trello has an intuitive user interface that is easy to use. It uses a Kanban board layout, which is ideal for quick and easy project updates. On the other hand, Asana has a more complex interface with several options and features. This can make it difficult to navigate for beginners. Trello wins this round hands down.


Asana has more advanced features than Trello, making it the preferred choice for bigger teams with complex projects. It has features like task dependencies, custom fields, and milestones. While Trello also has many features, they are not as extensive as Asana's. Hence, Asana takes the crown in this round.


Trello and Asana both integrate with a wide range of popular tools like Slack, Google Drive, and Dropbox. But Trello has more integrations than Asana. It integrates with over 100 apps, whereas Asana has just over 80. Therefore, Trello wins in the integration department.


Both Trello and Asana offer a free version, but their premium plans are different. Trello's premium plan is cheaper than Asana's. Trello's Business Class plan costs $9.99 per user per month, whereas Asana's Premium plan is $10.99 per user per month. However, Asana gives you more features for the extra dollar. Therefore, this round is a tie.

Customer Support

Trello has a comprehensive knowledge base that answers most of the queries. It also has a community forum where users can exchange ideas and best practices. But, Asana's customer support is faster and more responsive than Trello's. Asana also provides phone support, which Trello doesn't have. Hence, Asana wins this round.


Both Trello and Asana are excellent project management software, but they have different strengths. Trello is best for small to medium-sized businesses that have simple projects. Asana is ideal for bigger teams managing complex projects. Ultimately, the choice comes down to your business's specific needs and priorities.


  1. Trello vs Asana - Which project management software is right for you? Capterra.
  2. Trello vs Asana: Which project management tool is better? TechRadar Pro.

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